
Showing posts from December, 2022

Pourquoi devez-vous prendre des mesures intelligentes de sécurité des données ?

Data is the new currency, from AI to strategic planning, data is needed everywhere. The value and importance of data is simply priceless. You need to be careful about your confidential business and customer data. You should not slack on things as it can be very risky. This means that you should always have the right measures for  Internal Data Theft , it would put you in a better position. It would be a good idea to know how data breaches can harm you and what the general trend is; here is some market data to help you. An overview of market data: According to recent data, cybersecurity problems will cost the world $25 trillion by 2025, which is alarming. More than 80% of companies see data breaches as a real threat. More than 45% of customers are interested in cybersecurity business resiliency. Businesses that have experienced daytime and range security issues are performing worse 2 years after the incident. Data breaches also affect small and medium-sized businesses, more...

Pourquoi la protection DNS est-elle l'un des éléments les plus importants de la cybersécurité ?

When it comes to network security, we often think of firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), user access control, and other high-level concepts as solutions. However, most cyberattacks start with low-level attacks on DNS servers that are usually ignored by most companies as a minor issue.   A hacker can exploit your DNS server to access sensitive information and spy on you if they manage to change your DNS settings. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to protect your DNS server from malicious third parties.   Install a firewall The first and easiest step in DNS protection is to install a firewall on your network. A firewall will prevent hackers from accessing your server through the internet connection by blocking all unwanted incoming requests.    Firewalls are a simple and effective way to protect your DNS server from malicious hackers, as long as you make sure you follow the latest software updates. SD -WAN is one of the most effective systems to protect ...